About Me
![Photo of Richard Zhang](./assets/images/Portrait.jpg)
Me & Coding
Hello, my name is Richard Zhang. Currently, my goal is to become a full-stack developer, and then
branch out into other programming-related fields. My educational
background is in forensic science and nursing. I
finished my forensic science degree in 2017. I worked for two years in a media company after that.
Now, I'm heading into my fourth year of nursing in the Fall of 2022. Since I started learning about
programming a few months ago, I've found that I really enjoy coding. So depending on how things go,
I may decide to switch to programming full-time!
I don't have a formal background in programming or computer science, and I haven't dedicated myself
to trying to learn these things on my own before learning of this bootcamp. However, I did spend a
year and a half in a Java course in high-school (which was over ten years ago). I also learned a bit
about HTML and CSS in a design elective during my forensic science program. Most recently, I took a
statistics course and the professor had us coding in LaTeX to create PDF documents. I really wish I
looked into programming earlier, because I've been really liking learning how to code.